Following a prolonged drought, smoke from wildfires in the Amazon basin is choking people over an enormous swath ...
The Lebanese novelist Elias Khoury died yesterday at the age of 76. When his early book The Little Mountain (1977) ...
Bibi Rabbiyah Khan told me that she worried about her children and grandchildren. Her family had moved to London in the 1960s, when she was eight years old, and she recalled her father joining efforts ...
The question of what computers can’t do was posed in 1972 by the philosopher Hubert Dreyfus. Dreyfus’s answer – think creatively – was soon considered an error, but the problem remained. In the New ...
The worst thing you can say to anyone who works in hospitality, Mendez writes, is ‘Maybe you’ll meet someone!’ But a chance encounter while waiting tables lead to their new niche. In this episode, ...
The wealth of India had been a legend in the Mediterranean since the fourth century BC, enhanced by Alexander the ...
Rachel Kushner ’s fourth novel, Creation Lake, shuttles between the story of Sadie Smith, a spy-for-hire tasked with observing Le Moulin, a radical environmentalist commune in rural southwest France, ...
The broad theme of this series, truth and lies, was a favourite subject of Lucian of Samosata, the last of our Greek-language authors. His razor-sharp satire was a model for Erasmus, Voltaire and ...
Every modern revolution of significance, from 1789 to the present, has produced a diaspora. The exodus from Russia after the end of its ancien régime scattered minds of exceptional brilliance in the ...