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majesty music, inc. Mission: to advance the Gospel of Christ by providing God-glorifying, biblically-based, theologically-sound music and resources for the local church and family. History: In January 2018 Majesty Music was excited to announce our third generation of leadership.
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from hundreds of choir directors, music pastors, and church laymen. The songs chosen have been selected by carefully evaluating: • all recommendations • the biblical doctrine • the appropriateness of the music to the lyrics • the singability of the song • the number of church congregations already utilizing the song via PowerPoint®
Majesty Hymns Song List; Rejoice Hymns Song List (with samples of hymnal improvements and additions); Majesty Music Song List Listing of all songs we sell, organized by recording/book title. (Use Ctrl+F to search PDF)
The Majesty Music Shoppe, located at 733 Wade Hampton Boulevard in Greenville, SC, is open Monday—Friday, 8 AM till 12 PM (Noon) and 1PM till 5 PM (ET) except for major holidays. We offer all the products you see in our catalog and many more as well.